East Knox Greenway - Phase 1
I live nearby (on Selma Ave) and use part of this route to commute to work daily. During the after-school hours I often see kids walking home even though there's no sidewalk. I think a bike lane and sidewalk would be great here, especially because this is a historically underserved part of the town.
East Knox Greenway - Phase 1
Can it be continued across Boyd's Bridge, though Marbledale/Asbury, to arrive at the new park being created by the Legacy Parks Foundation across the river from the Veterans Cemetary? It's such a scenic bike ride! Just not an extremely safe one :( Plus it takes you right by Cruze Farm for an ice cream cone and/or the Ramsey House!
Sevierville Rd (SR-35/US-411) Widening
Sevierville Road is dangerous.? It could be much improved by adding shoulders, and widening to three lanes where possible.? Perhaps some of its traffic could be removed by providing a better east-west alternative route between Sevier County and Maryville? such as improving Ellejoy/Jeffries Hollow/ Wye Roads.? This corridor has a rapidly increasing traffic load, but it may still be sufficiently rural to accommodate widening.? One problem with this route is the ?Wye? intersection with Chapman Highway?a needed improvement not on your project list.? We find it frighteningly dangerous.
Sevierville Rd (SR-35/US-411) Widening
HWY 411, Sevierville Rd -- a very busy route between Maryville and Seymour/Sevierville/Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg.Please create some shoulders. This is a dangerous road.
Tyson Park/Fort Sanders Bike Connection
This would provide access to Tyson park from fort without having to trek down to Cumberland and then back up. Would enable safe walking area that's not along busy corridor to allow more commute options. Simple trail or even just a hole in the fence at this spot would be very convenient.
Tyson Park/Fort Sanders Bike Connection
Cumberland Avenue is not a safe place for people biking. The designated bike route from the 3rd Creek Greenway directs westbound(vice-versa for eastbound) cyclists onto the north sidewalk of Cumberland Ave where they encounter many pedestrians and unsafe intersections. Riding a bike in the roadway on Cumberland is not comfortable for most cyclists which is why you do not see cyclists on Cumberland. Cumberland Ave. does not serve the Fort Sanders neighborhood pedestrians either, many of whom are UTK students who can only get to destinations west (and reverse for eastbound) by exiting the neighborhood south to Cumberland, navigating the congestion on the street and narrow sidewalks to get to campus, into Tyson Park or cross into the University Commons which is a dangerous intersection as is the Cumberland/ Volunteer Blvd. intersection. This situation has only worsened with the building of multi-story university residences on Cumberland. The usable sidewalk space is still only 5 feet wide and building frontages are less than ten feet so there is minimal public space for people walking and biking on the sidewalk. A bike/ pedestrian bridge connecting Tyson Park to the Fort Sanders neighborhood will provide a critical connection for east/west biking and walking traffic. This bridge is more than a recreational amenity- it will serve as a route for biking/walking commuters, increase opportunities for Fort Sanders residents to safely get to Tyson Park and University Commons and improve the the safety of Cumberland Ave for everyone.
Sevierville Rd (SR-35/US-411) Reconstruction
I live just off of this road and it really needs to be widened and turn lanes added in several areas. I would say the section in the City of Maryville starting at Washington St to Peppermint Rd outside city limits should be 4 lanes wide with a center lane and sidewalks or at the minimum it should be a two lane road with a center turn lane, sidewalks, and bike lanes.I know this would be eating up some yards and would require a massive overhaul but I have seen too many car accidents on this road including members of my own family.
Sevierville Rd (SR-35/US-411) Reconstruction
Sevierville Road is carrying too much traffic for its size and configuration, especially since there are no shoulders at all. It needs several safety improvements, including shoulders and additional lanes where practical. There are several troublesome intersections.
Westland Drive Complete Street
please make certain that connections at the end of the bike lanes & sidewalks are addressed. An obvious goal would be to access Lakeshore Park. Currently the sidewalk on the cemetary side has no curb cuts, and fencing at Lakeshore forces one to go up Lyons or down Northshore (very narrow shoulder) to get into the park.
Sevierville Rd (SR-35/US-411) Reconstruction
Sevierville Road is dangerous.? It could be much improved by adding shoulders, and widening to three lanes where possible.? Perhaps some of its traffic could be removed by providing a better east-west alternative route between Sevier County and Maryville? such as improving Ellejoy/Jeffries Hollow/ Wye Roads.? This corridor has a rapidly increasing traffic load, but it may still be sufficiently rural to accommodate widening.? One problem with this route is the ?Wye? intersection with Chapman Highway?a needed improvement not on your project list.? We find it frighteningly dangerous.
Sevierville Rd (SR-35/US-411) Reconstruction
HWY 411, Sevierville Rd -- a very busy route between Maryville and Seymour/Sevierville/Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg.Please create some shoulders. This is a dangerous road.
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) ITS Expansion Phase 2
We are delighted that work to make Alcoa Highway safer is finally underway.? Do it all?and do it smart, to make that route safe and pleasant well into the future.? Given the traffic load in that corridor, maybe we should be thinking of a public transportation option between Knoxville and its airport.
Relocated Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129)
Whatever is needed to improve safety and ease of movement on Alcoa Highway is needed. I am not so sure that the project as planned is the simplest & best solution; it seems to me to have too many interchanges, but I am not a traffic engineer. Maybe it is good.
Relocated Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129)
We are delighted that work to make Alcoa Highway safer is finally underway. Do it all?and do it smart, to make that route safe and pleasant well into the future. Given the traffic load in that corridor, maybe we should be thinking of a public transportation option between Knoxville and its airport.
Blount County Greenway Trail - Phase 1 & 2
Maryville and Alcoa have created a tremendous network of walking and biking trails over the last few years. Extending this network towards Townsend will only help to make it better. The natural beauty of the region and the proximity to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park will help allow the citizens and visitors to continue to enjoy this great resource.
Blount County Greenway Trail - Phase 1 & 2
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
This will be a much-needed upgrade. There is school-bound traffic twice a day, and safety is a concern as well as traffic problems. Also, many pedestrians, bicyclists, and walkers want to be able to use this road safely as it is near neighborhoods and schools. We should be upgrading our roads to reflect interest in people getting outside and using the greenway, whether for recreation, exercise, or going to and from the schools. I lived in this neighborhood for many years and always wished Montvale would get upgrades. The sidewalks will be a great improvement, as will the turnlane.
Boyds Creek Highway (SR 338) at Old Knoxville Highway Intersection Improvements
I live just off of the corner of this intersection, in front of Oak Haven Resort and have been here for 26 years. Needless to say, I have heard numerous accidents and close calls. The guard rail on Old Knoxville Highway has been replaced at least 3 times in the last 5 years. Prior to a guardrail being placed at that location, there was a minimum of 6 cars leaving the roadway and ending up in the neighbor's yard! Rain on the road is a big factor causing slippery conditions for those coming right off of Boyds Creek onto Old Knoxville Highway. Also, I am often afraid of being rear-ended waiting to make the left turn off of Boyds Creek onto Old Knoxville Highway as it is a downhill curve. To stop for someone turning comes up quick if you are not paying attention! During heavy traffic times, the traffic gets very backed up as thru traffic on Boyds Creek does not allow for turning off of Old Knoxville Highway nor Big River Overlook which also has a blocked view of Boyds Creek on their right. I would approve of and appreciate the roadways being aligned into a proper 4 square intersection with turn lanes and traffic light. There are many times those improvements would be a huge benefit for all who use this intersection. And with continued building of housing out in the Boyd's Creek community, the traffic will continue to have more volume. There are so many that use this intersection as a "short cut" to get into Sevierville to bypass Highway 66 that these improvements would really help!
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
Montvale Road is in desperate need of more sidewalks and pedestrian facilities. These have been promised to us for years but the city has never followed through. As someone who walked to school along Montvale Road for most of my life (walked to Sam Houston, Maryville Junior High, and Maryville High School), I know how dangerous the road is for pedestrians, especially during the after school rush. This project would improve safety and accessibility for an important road in Maryville.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
I support this project. This road is so busy that a left turn anywhere near this neighborhood is almost impossible at many times throughout the day. I maneuver this neighborhood very often and I go out of my way, around the block or around several blocks just to make right turns or go all the way down to a light. It feels very unsafe when on foot or bicycle as well. More time, attention, and fiscal resources need to continue to improve this danger zone.
Boyds Creek Highway (SR 338) at Old Knoxville Highway Intersection Improvements
That is, indeed, a dangerous intersection. Especially for traffic coming north on Old Knoxville Hwy, wanting to turn right or left on Boyds Creek Hwy. Hard to see fast-moving vehicles coming from either direction. Also, traffic heading west on Boyds Creek Hwy that want to turn left onto Old Knoxville Hwy have to stop all traffic behind them, while they wait for east-heading, fast-moving vehicles to get past the intersection. And then it's a very sharp left turn.Those of us who go through that intersection almost daily will certainly appreciate whatever can be done to make that intersection safer for all.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
I support this project.? Having lived in this neighborhood at one time, we know that a way to cross Montvale Road safely, and for walkers and bikers to have safe access the greenway and schools, has been needed for years.? Moreover, traffic on this road gets very backed up at school opening and closing hours.? A center turn lane would be a huge help.? These improvements are long overdue, and I know how much difference it will make for residents whether they are on foot or in the car.
Boyds Creek Highway (SR 338) at Old Knoxville Highway Intersection Improvements
Thank you so much for addressing this intersection. Boyds Creek is an extremely busy road and seems as if improvements are never made in that area. Traffic light is needed there and also a the intersection of Boyds Creek and Hodges Bend Road. Thank you!!
Washington Pike
I drive this road multiple times a week. There are always issues with people pulling out of Babelay (headed toward Greenway) into the turning lane while others are trying to get into the turning lane to turn left onto Mill Road. Also, the congestion from Greenway to Mill Road during evening rush hour is awful.
Boyds Creek Highway (SR 338) at Old Knoxville Highway Intersection Improvements
This intersection desperately needs a traffic signal. There have been a great number of car crashes at this intersection over the last decade, some likely fatal. People on Boyd's Creek Highway travel at high speeds and it is very difficult to navigate this intersection safely at times due to vehicles entering and exiting from Old Knoxville Hwy, Boyd's Creek, Big River Overlook subdivision, and McCroskey Island Road. Please seriously consider installing a traffic signal and turn lanes.
Pleasant Ridge Road
I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Boyds Creek Highway (SR 338) at Old Knoxville Highway Intersection Improvements
I definitely think this project should be done. When getting onto Boyds Creek Hwy from Old Knoxville Hwy, I often have to accelerate quickly to take advantage of an opening in traffic.This can be particularly tricky if the road is the least bit wet. I consider myself fortunate that this hasn't caused me to be in an accident.
South Knoxville Waterfront Roadway Improvements
I think this project is very necessary. However, I think the roundabout is the wrong solution for this area. That intersection is very dangerous currently as it is a blind curve when cars are parked along Sevier, you can't see on-coming traffic when coming from Island Home Ave and the cars coming off James White Parkway only slow down when they hit the railroad tracks. I understand the idea is to keep traffic moving but this is going to be an increasingly pedestrian area and a 4 way stop or a 4 way traffic light stop would be much safer for pedestrians. In the U.S., roundabouts are a much more suburban solution. We do not have good urban driving practices or tight,dense urban spaces where they work well like they do in England. I oppose a roundabout (especially if it requires demolishing a potentially historic home which was in the initial plan I believe) but I think the other infrastructure elements are good.
Boyds Creek Highway (SR 338) at Old Knoxville Highway Intersection Improvements
I live within 1/2 mile of this intersection. My neighbors and I feel turn lanes would be the answer, but a traffic light is not needed and might cause more accidents and frustration. I have lived on Boyds Creek Highway for over 50 years and have seen it go from a rarely-traveled dirt road to a heavily-traveled highway. We could really use turn lanes on all or most of Boyds Creek Highway. At this intersection, I recommend reconfiguring it on both Boyds Creek Hwy. and Old Knoxville Hwy. by adding space and lanes, and that will improve safety. Thank you for allowing our input!
Schaad Rd Widening
There needs to be median control along this corridor. It is a safety feature for all users of this road. Also, there needs to be a more robust plan for a greenway connector (w/ trees) along this route to connect to any improvements on Pleasant Ridge Rd & Oak Ridge Hwy. All these road projects that have happened lately seem to forget to include trees and the great canopy they provide for pedestrians.
Schaad Rd Widening
This expansion is greatly neededI encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Boyds Creek Highway (SR 338) at Old Knoxville Highway Intersection Improvements
A traffic light is badly needed here. There are many accidents here due to cars going too fast and other cars failing to yield to oncoming traffic. Additionally there is a resort called Oak Haven right next to this intersection so not only is the intersection dangerous but there are thousands of tourists who are unfamiliar with it. This means they don't practice proper care when navigating this intersection because they aren't aware of the risks. Also, with an increase of construction projects in the Boyd's creek and old Knoxville hwy like Soaky Mountain and numerous new homes, this intersection gets very congested at times with locals going to and from work. Please enhance this intersection's safety by completing this project
Middlebrook Pike (SR-169) ATMS Expansion
I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Chapman Hwy (SR-71/US-441) Operational and Safety Improvements
In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
I-75 ITS Instrumentation at SR-61 (Andersonville Hwy., Exit 122) interchange (IA)
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Chapman Hwy (SR-71/US-441) Operational and Safety Improvements
Yes, please. All the improvements on Chapman Highway that can be made would be beneficial. One of the largest is to limit the number of access points on Chapman Highway. Try to funnel traffic to specific points to get access to Chapman as opposed to the way it is now where there are multiple, multiple entryways to the road.
Chapman Hwy (SR-71/US-441) Operational and Safety Improvements
Chapman Highway. Improvements to mobility and especially traffic safety are greatly needed, all the way from Knoxville to Seymour.
Chapman Hwy (SR-71/US-441) Operational and Safety Improvements
HWY 441, Chapman Hwy -- a fast and busy route between Knoxville and Seymour/Sevierville/Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg.Needs many improvements
I-40/I-75/Campbell Station Road Interchange
This interstate exit is long overdue for both traffic and pedestrian improvements. It typically backs up to Parkside / Grigsby Chappell and stacks up on the exit ramp. With the increased building and backups in Hardin Valley Exit 373 has become the shortcut across the ridge to get to the west end of Hardin Valley. With the increased building in the Choto/Northshore area you are seeing traffic using Campbell Station to Northshore as the new route of choice.
I-40/I-75/Campbell Station Road Interchange
Although much has changed in the 50+ years since the construction of the I-40 Campbell Station Rd interchange, the basic roadway width beneath the interstate has not. Given the growth of Farragut to the south, the growth of Hardin Valley to the north, the development of Turkey Creek Shopping district, the addition of numerous hotels in the immediate area, and with the plan to add Top Golf nearby, the time to widen the road under the interstate is way long overdue. In addition to the traffic congestion at this underpass, given the topography, the existing drainage system has proven to be inadequate during times of high rainfall and has resulted in underpass flooding and road closure. The improvement of this underpass is THE most important need in this area of Knox County both for the convenience of local residents, the need of local businesses, and the safety of local and non-local traffic. I have become aware that one suggestion for widening the underpass road width would be to remove the 45 degree embankments on both sides of road, replace them with support walls, and then widen the road to add additional lanes. As an engineer, this seems to me to be an effective and cost conscious approach to resolving this bottleneck. In any case, I urge you to proceed with this I-40/Campbell Station Rd. improvement project without delay.
County-wide Transportation Study (Knox)
I support more bike lanes or sharrows on roadways. Knox has done a great job on investing in mtb, but accessing the parks safely is also important. Also, emphasizing that bikes can be on the road and supporting a road cycling and commuting infrastructure would be amazing. I would also love to see a traffic ad campaign about the importance of not passing cyclists across the double yellow line on blind curves or hills. This happens to me multiple times every time I ride. Luci Olewinski
Virtue Road Reconstruction
This stretch of road is the most dangerous narrow road in the Town of Farragut with its blind off camber curves and hills. 4,000 + cars every morning and afternoon in and out of Choto and Loudon County have figured out that this is a shortcut to Kingston Pike. Impossible to walk or bike this pastoral area of Farragut.
Lovell Rd Widening (SR-131)
This is needed for this area.In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Oak Ridge Hwy (SR-62)
I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
ETHRA Transit Vehicle Replacement Project
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Emory Rd (SR-131)
I hope this project is still on track to be implemented in 2030. Halls is socked in now. With only Emory Road and Broadway as major corridors to downtown or west Knoxville, a morning commute to downtown can now be 50 minutes or more. Widening Emory Road is imperative, as new subdivisions and apartments are being built all the time.
Lafayette Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Improvements
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Gov John Sevier Hwy (SR-168)
I drive on John Sevier Highway multiple times a week to and from work at the Forks of the River Industrial Park and to shopping errands and lunch running for my co-workers. I think it would be a mistake to turn any section of this road into a 4 lane for cars, if each direction had 2 lanes dedicated for vehicular traffic. My hope would be that a 4th lane's equivalent could be a half a lane added to each direction for bike traffic. My initial reaction to reading the goal of "4 lane" was that it would become a speedway with people passing each other at high speed, a la Chapman Highway. We really don't need that on scenic John Sevier Highway. The current pace of 45-50-ish miles per hour fits the feeling of the width of the road and the proximity to the roadside trees. Thanks for listening.
West End Corridor Intersection Improvements
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Jeffries Hollow Road
Not sure what kind of reconstruction is needed on this section, but I know traffic is increasing along it. The part of Jeffries Hollow that worries me in the intersection with Chapman Highway, in Sevier County. That is a dangerous place! Could an interchange be built there?
Gov John Sevier Hwy (SR-168)
There is seemingly a lot of larger trucks that use this road to get from Alcoa Highway to the industrial park around Strawberry Plains. Regularly, traffic is 15+ cars deep because of a tractor-trailer rig that is going 10 under the speed limit (35 to 40 mph). The issue is the necessary traffic signals and topography of the area as well. Having an extra lane would make this nightmare much easier to navigate.
W. Broadway Avenue (S.R. 33) Improvements
Hwy 33, East Broadway Maryville/Alcoa -- needs a center turn lane.
Gov John Sevier Hwy (SR-168)
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Gov John Sevier Hwy (SR-168)
I support this project. This busy road needs improvements for efficiency and safety.
Gov John Sevier Hwy (SR-168)
I support this project.? A road this heavily traveled needs to be four-laned for both efficiency and safety.
Washington Street Improvements from E. Broadway Ave. to U.S. 321
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Northshore Dr (SR-332)
Yes. Thank you for considering widening Northshore Drive. With all the building occurring off Northshore Drive, this road between Morrell and Ebenezer has become very challenging. Shared turning lanes are definitely needed to help keep traffic moving. When someone has to turn across traffic on Northshore Drive, it stops all traffic in that lane. We live off Wallace and Northshore Drive in Richmond Hills. We are forced to take Wallace to Nubbin Ridge to Morrell because there is no way we can turn east onto Northshore Drive in the morning. This road as is was fine when there were few subdivisions, but now it is not able to accommodate all the traffic. The intersection at Tools Bend and Northshore Drive has many accidents. There is also a lot of traffic near Popes Nursery. A centered shared turning lane would be extremely helpful for those wanting to turn in across traffic. This project is solely needed to help with traffic flow in this area of Knoxville.Thank you for letting me share my opinion.
Northshore Dr (SR-332)
At minimum, the addition of a shared center turn lane on this portion of Northshore Drive is long overdue! For a state roadway carrying the current level of vehicular traffic, it is more than necessary. In fact, with all the additional housing projects in the West Knoxville area between Morrell and the Pellissippi, it could be widened to 2 full lanes in each direction to help accommodate all the extra cars, school busses, and trucks in the area.
Northshore Dr (SR-332)
I commute through Northshore and the single lane each way many times is not adequate, especially when a slow car is ahead. The lack of shoulder/curb for most of Northshore makes it dangerous for any recreational activities. Lastly, adding turn lanes will help the flow of traffic, as Northshore is a busy road and left turning cars block the single lane for extended periods of time.
Northshore Dr (SR-332)
I greatly support the addition this and other access for bikers and pedestrians. In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Magnolia Ave/Rutledge Pike/Asheville Hwy Interchange Improvements
Any improvement in this area to make the Chilhowee Park area feel more connected to the Burlington area would be excellent. To make it feel more walkable and less like a high-speed highway, especially where Rutledge Pike branches off, would be helpful to everyone.
Northshore Dr (SR-332)
The additional lane will help the traffic flow, as one often finds itself behind slow moving vehicles with nowhere to go. Northshore is a busy road, and left turning cares block the single lane more often than expected. Lastly, the lack of curb and shoulder makes it dangerous for recreational activities.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162)
There's a bottleneck after crossing the I-40 overpass heading towards Oak Ridge. Let the 2 lanes continue on Pellissippi instead of requiring cars to merge into the left lane. My sons were rear-ended on the bridge when traffic came to a stand still on the overpass.
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) Widening
Very important that Marine Park is connected to the Alcoa Highway greenway being constructed now starting at Montlake drive going south, connecting these two greenway systems. Curious why this shows the roadway improvement only going to Woodson? Thank you for the opportunity to comment!
Intersection Improvement at Beaver Ridge Road and West Emory Road
Much needed improvement. I take this road nearly every day and see the increase of traffic and the safety concerns. Honestly do not know why at least a roundabout hasn't been installed. And now many large trucks are using this road and it makes it even more dangerous.
Strawberry Plains Pike Improvements
Are sidewalks and bike lanes going to be included in this widening project? Every time a road is altered, sidewalks should be added to promote more active lifestyles within the community. I live in this area and would love to be able to walk/bike to places in my community rather than drive because I don't feel as though it is safe.Also, Pine Grove Road/Hammer Road seems to be serving as a cut through to John Sevier from Strawberry Plains and visa versa. How will this road widening affect traffic on surroundong roads like Pine Grove?
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) Widening
We are delighted that work to make Alcoa Highway safer is finally underway.? Do it all?and do it smart, to make that route safe and pleasant well into the future.? Given the traffic load in that corridor, maybe we should be thinking of a public transportation option between Knoxville and its airport.
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) Widening
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) Widening
I support this project.As we all know, this is a dangerous stretch of road with a terrible reputation, and deservedly so! It has been a hazard for decades and I am glad to see residents' safety finally being taken seriously.
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) Widening
I support these projects.? Alcoa Highway deserves its unfortunate nickname--"I'll Kill Ya" Highway.? It is one of the most dangerous roads in East Tennessee and has claimed many lives over the years.? My own husband had a very serious accident on Highway 129 in?2019.? Any improvements to this road are welcome, whether it be widening, upgrades to interchanges, or improving visibility.? The improvements at the junction of Topside Road and Alcoa Highway have been a big help.? Please continue the work on improvements and widening of Alcoa Highway until the entire length is finished.
Tazewell Pike and Fairview Road Intersection
This was a good improvement but will not address the additional traffic to be added to Thompson School Lane as the Community grows with additional developments. The roads needs to be widened to accommodate the extra traffic, not just at the light.When there is an accident on any of these roads, traffic is locked down, sometimes for hours. Having 4 lanes would alleviate that and would decrease the number of accidents on the two lane roads.
I-75/I-640/I-275 Interchange
Northshore Drive at Kingston Pike Intersection Improvements
One of the most crowded intersection in Knox Co. with its slowdowns reaching east past Buddy's BBQ, west up Bearden Hill, Northshore past Baum Dr., and Northshore north toward I-40. Avoiding this intersection at all costs, most times of the day will be doing yourself a favor.Any improvements to this area should be of utmost importance.
James White Parkway corridor improvements
I greatly support the addition this and other access for bikers and pedestrians. I am glad this route is being considered.In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Kingston Pike (SR-1) Widening
While I would like to see bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in this area, I do not like the idea of widening this stretch of roadway. Traffic light synchronization and alternative routes would be a better solution than creating a 70'+/- crossing for pedestrians.
Oak Ridge Hwy (SR-62)
I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
James White Parkway Roadway improvements
I greatly support the addition this and other access for bikers and pedestrians. I am glad this route is being considered.In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Campbell Station Re-Alignment
There are no specific details to comment on for this proposed project. While the rapid development of subdivisions in the western portion of Hardin Valley undoubtedly increases the need for residents to safely access this route, care should be taken to avoid turning Pellissippi -> Hardin Valley Rd -> Campbell Station Rd -> I-40 W into a makeshift mini-'Orange Route' bypass. Campbell Station Rd should be maintained as a local, residential access road, and not be turned into a multi-lane highway.
Edgemoor Road (SR-170)
I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I also support wider bridges that allow for pedestrian, bike, and vehicular use. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term. Keeping old bridges (the Pellisippi bridge at Solway, Edgemoor Rd bridge near bull run ), if practical, for pedestrian/ bike use should be considered. If this is not possible, I believe it is very important that the new bridges are useable by vehicle as well as pedestrians and bikers. Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Chapman Highway Advanced Traffic Management System
Can you make the traffic lights turn green together so you don't have to stop at everyone of them. You sit at one light as it turns green you can see the next light turn red right in front of you. Lights all over the City do this. No wonder traffic doesn't move on Chapman Highway or anywhere else in the City. Traffic light at Young High Pike backs up traffic to Moody everyday.
Chapman Highway Advanced Traffic Management System
Chapman Highway.? Improvements to mobility and especially traffic safety are greatly needed, all the way from Knoxville to Seymour.
South Knoxville Bridge Greenway
This is pretty sorely needed. I and other cyclists I see on this road have a pretty wide path due to the pull-over lane, but again, no striping or further protection from cars, which go ~50mph on this stretch. It's an unavoidable connector with no nearby, safe alternative paths.
Chapman Highway Advanced Traffic Management System
HWY 441, Chapman Hwy -- a fast and busy route between Knoxville and Seymour/Sevierville/Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg.Needs many improvements
South Knoxville Bridge Greenway
If it takes away any current lanes, then dislike as only a few ways over the river and when bridges need repair or growth occurs, you have lost the needed lane. There is plenty of room to work without losing any lanes. Also currently safe division of facing traffic.
Liberty Street Multimodal Project
I am confused why the existing greenway and bikes lanes are marked, but it would be lovely to have Division street made more accessible. Currently it is really only safe and pleasant to ride downhill, away from Liberty. And I always see at least one pedestrian each trip.
Gibbs Schools Pedestrian Bridge
This is sorely needed, but we also need sidewalks and crosswalks in and around the Harbison Crossroads area. There are many subdivisions located inside the parental responsibility zone near the schools, but little or no connectivity or sidewalks so that students could walk to school.
Liberty Street Multimodal Project
I greatly support the addition this and other access for bikers and pedestrians.In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Morganton Road Reconstruction - Phase 1
Morganton Road has been and will continue to be one of the least safe highways in Blount County. With additional home construction along Morganton Road, the traffic has decreased the safety to almost critical points. Any improvement, like adding turn lanes, will help alleviate some of the serious safety issues.
Liberty Street Multimodal Project
I greatly support the addition this and other access for bikers and pedestrians. In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Morganton Road Reconstruction - Phase 1
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
Please look at the Intersection of Boyds Creek and Old Knoxville Hwy and ESPECIALLY Boyds Creek and Hodges Bend. Thank you!
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
Once again, I am dismayed that there is little to no regional transportation planning; no rail, no bus, no park-and-rides or any other alternative to the one-person-in-one-vehicle mode.
Old Niles Ferry Road Reconstruction
Old Niles Ferry Road is one of the most dangerous roads in the county. It has a high traffic volume which will only increase as more and more subdivisions are added between Maryville and highway 129. The added traffic spilling over from highway 411S and the school traffic from Fairview Elementary makes this improvement a high priority.
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
Whatever you called the modernization of traffic signaling and increasing the flow of traffic?is very needed along our major thoroughfares.
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
As far as Knoxville traffic, I-40/I-75 is a challenge. Hopefully there are plans for that.
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
Many other improvements are needed?on Montvale Road, Morganton Road, and awkward or unsafe intersections all over the map.
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
In summary, please repair, improve, and maintain the roads we already have, before you consider laying down new asphalt along a route where a highway is not needed.
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
On behalf of the University of Tennessee (UT), we would like to submit for consideration a project to improve the intersection of Melrose Place and Lake Avenue (see attached map). We understand this project would involve a partnership between the city of Knoxville and UT since this area involves both parties. Improving this intersection would greatly enhance both vehicular and pedestrian safety and flow so we hope this will be seriously considered.
Sevierville Rd (SR-35/US-411) Widening
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Old Lowes Ferry Rd at Louisville Rd (SR-333) Intersection Improvements
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
There should be transit projects bringing transit to the Rocky Hill neighborhood, where there has been none since the 90 was discontinued. Kat says 80 % of Knoxville residents live within half a mile from a Kat stop, but I am well outside that range.
Louisville Rd (SR-333/SR-334) Reconstruction - Phase 1
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
More generally the lion's share of the projects are road projects. When are are you going to start taking climate change seriously by investing resources in modes that do not involve cars? They are a major source of green house emissions that must be dealt with.
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) Widening
We must finish the improvements to Alcoa Highway as soon as possible. This road is unsafe. Period. Anything that can be done to improve it is imperative. I believe the revisions to the intersection at Topside and Alcoa Highway are a good example of safety-enhancing changes. All improvements to this section, 09-216, are overdue. All drivers who use the road appreciate the need for this.
Louisville Rd (SR-333) Reconstruction - Phase 2
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
The intersection of Hickory Creek Road & Palestine Lane & Watt Road needs to be realigned and signaled due to increased semi-truck traffic based on new trucking terminals being approved and built. GPS apps are routing people through Hickory Creek Road when I 40/75 backs up. Please consider adding this project.
Adair to Old Broadway Connection
I am interested in the Anita Avenue/Hillwood Drive project at the south end of the South Knoxville bridge. The road is heavily traveled and extremely narrow with ditches on both sides. The city has had plans to straighten it and connect with Island Home Avenue at South Haven for more than a decade. The road is dangerous and funds should be spent to fix the problem (either straighten it or widen it).
Middlesettlements Rd at Miser Station Rd Intersection Improvements
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) Widening
We are delighted that work to make Alcoa Highway safer is finally underway. Do it all?and do it smart, to make that route safe and pleasant well into the future. Given the traffic load in that corridor, maybe we should be thinking of a public transportation option between Knoxville and its airport.
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) Widening
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) Widening
I support this project.As we all know, this is a dangerous stretch of road with a terrible reputation, and deservedly so! It has been a hazard for decades and I am glad to see residents' safety finally being taken seriously.
Alcoa Hwy (SR-115/US-129) Widening
I support these projects.? Alcoa Highway deserves its unfortunate nickname--"I'll Kill Ya" Highway.? It is one of the most dangerous roads in East Tennessee and has claimed many lives over the years.? My own husband had a very serious accident on Highway 129 in?2019.? Any improvements to this road are welcome, whether it be widening, upgrades to interchanges, or improving visibility.? The improvements at the junction of Topside Road and Alcoa Highway have been a big help.? Please continue the work on improvements and widening of Alcoa Highway until the entire length is finished.
Mentor Road
In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Oak Ridge Rails to Trails
I greatly support the addition this and other access for bikers and pedestrians. I am glad this route is being considered. Please also consider collaborating with UTK/ the arboretum to extend this proposed route all the way to Haw Ridge Park.In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Old Knoxville Hwy (SR-33) Reconstruction - Rockford
Like other roads between Knox County and Maryville, SR 33 requires much needed safety upgrades. Providing turn lanes and improving the road bed will help move traffic between Maryville-Alcoa and Knoxville much more safely. Many of the older "feeder roads" into Maryville were built before increased traffic volumes have made most of them considerably less safe. Turn lanes are important, but severe drop offs on either side of SR-33 are very concerning as well.
Old Knoxville Hwy (SR-33) Reconstruction - Rockford
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
This is a project that is a total waste of Tennessee taxpayer dollars. The State of Tennessee already has a backlog of urgent road, waterway, bridge and maintenance projects that are critical to our infrastructure. There is currently not enough funding for these projects let alone wasting as much as nearly $200 million on this one (for a 4.4 mile stretch of highway). We should spend our limited transportation taxpayer dollars to maintain the system we already have in place. TDOT's own analysis of this project shows that this project will not ease traffic congestion in Blount County (see the 2010 DEIS, 3-4; also 2-9, Table 2-3). Blount County is currently seeing major growth in the west side of the county, which this project will not address.I would also like to point out that the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning organization's TIP for FY2020-2023 shows proposed projects in Blount County totaling $220 million, almost $600 million for Knox County and nearly $140 in other projects in Knox-Blount counties. That totals $960 million for only two counties in the State. Surely there has to be other needs within the State that could use these funds more effectively.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
09-232: PPExtension, is totally useless. Almost 20 years in the making, it does not serve any helpful practical purpose. There are MANY other projects that are in dire need of improvement, and that will actually be useful ! For example, projects such as:09-211, 09-216, 09-221, 09-229, 09-239, 09-241, 09-245, 09-262, just to mention a few, are meant to improve their current status, safety, and efficiency.On the other hand, project 09-232 PPE, is VERY costly, requires ROWay over vasts areas of private properties that have significant agricultural/farmland/dairy value, while its benefits to the overall community are minimal, and of no real practical value.In summary, PLEASE DO NOT WASTE OUR taxes on a 09-232, and instead invest in many of the other projects that are much needed, and of greater benefits.Thank you,Dr. Christian P. Halloy
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
This propose interstate highway (it is in no way a "parkway"), is, in my mind, very low on the list of important road projects in Blount County. We have too many substandard two-lane roads that need repair and upgrading. In fact the county is full of such dangerous roads, roads our children are playing ons and riding on in school buses.We should be spending our tax dollars on these secondary roads for the foreseeable future.
Knoxville South Waterfront Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge
In theory, I like this project; however, I think for it to be worth the investment UT would need to build more buildings & parking structures on the south side of the river. That location wouldn't be serving much game day traffic and right now, not that many students live close enough to utilize the bridge (even with the large complexes on the river and farther south). Most students would still drive to campus. I do like connectivity to Fort Dickerson. If you could somehow tie into or piggyback off the train trestle coming from World's Fair Park you could serve that side of downtown plus campus and potentially spend less on infrastructure.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
I believe that building this section of the Parkway is a waste of tax payers money and will only add to the current growth problems of Blount County. The money targeted for this road could be better spent improving the existing roads in this county, such as hwy 411 (Sevierville road) which is to narrow and dangerous.
Knoxville South Waterfront Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge
This project would allow easy access to apartments and other facilities along the riverfront on the South side. This would not only improve access for foot and bike traffic but it would also increase the easy of access for students who live on that side of the river.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
This is a project that TDOT studies have shown will not meet any need or serve any purpose. It will not reduce transit times more than fractionally, and it will not improve safety. It is going to dump more traffic onto substandard Blount County roads and increase traffic there are introduce more safety problems. We do not need this road. Furthermore, it will be hugely expensive, miuch more than the outdated and questionable figures provided to the public. If you actually read the EIS you find there is little to recommend this project. Meanwhile the cost financially and environmentally will be very high. And Blount County will be left with the problem and expense of upgrading infrastructure in the aftermath. Put money into other projects where it is needed.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
This project is the least needed of almost all Blount County proposals. The environmental study done for and by TDOT makes it clear that the PPE will not substantially address any of the issues proponents claim for it. TDOT's cost estimates in this proposal are WAY below its own earlier projections (including one for $197 million). Blount County's actual traffic and safety needs will not be addressed by building a new highway that might make it 10 minutes faster to get from Townsend to Oak Ridge. The idea for this predates the last 30 years of Blount County's growth, most of which has been and continues to be in the western side of Maryville. There are real and immediate needs that are addressed by many of the projects proposed for this Mobility Plan, and those projects should have priority. There are also many narrow, two lane rural roads, also proposed for this Plan, that desperately need to be upgraded for safety and mobility. This has been clear for decades and the PPE will do nothing except in some cases make them worse.Spending hundreds of millions of dollars to serve the desires of a few businesses and residents in Walland and Townsend will be a tragic waste and deprive the rest of us of safe and more efficient ways to get around. There is no barrier to quick, four lane access to the Walland/Townsend/ area or to the national park. This was not the case when this project was initially proposed, but the needs now do not include this expensive and destructive project.It is just not good enough to argue that this is a long-planned road. It might have been a good idea 30 years ago but it is not now.. Tennessee does not have the resources to construct Legacy Projects that have no current utility.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
This project should NOT be built. As it stands it is a colossal waste of taxpayer money. It will not solve a single road need. We have much more urgent safety issues on roads in Blount County and the region. It is very irresponsible to spend limited highway construction funds on this unnecessary new highway construction. It will be an interstate in search of a purpose and not solve any problem.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
A new highway to 321 is not needed. There are currently several other routes to get to/from Knoxville/Townsend. Such a road may have been needed decades ago when it was first envisioned, but since the 1970s major improvements have been made to enable better traffic flow -- e.g., making 321 from Maryville to Townsend four lanes, 129 ByPass in Maryville. Also, most of the residential/commercial/industrial growth in Blount Co is at the other end of the county -- Alcoa and west Maryville. Faster access to/from Townsend not needed, waste of tax dollars. So many other roads need improvement as soon as possible.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
I haven't seen any problems that the building of this road solves. This project shouldn't be built. We have more necessary safety issues on roads in our county and region, and it is irresponsible to spend our limited road funds on an unnecessary new highway.
Baker Creek Greenway
I greatly support the addition this and other access for bikers and pedestrians. I am glad this route is being considered.In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
Same as comment for other section of the Pellissippi Parkway Ext. - this doesn't solve traffic problems in the area and it will encourage commercial growth along the corridor and not in Maryville/Alcoa where it is needed. This should be the last priority for regional transportation funding.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
Blount County needs many substandard roads improved instead of building new roads funds for this project could be used for this and many citizens are against this project and it would destroy many scenic views and much farmland and take away from the water quality of Little River and would create congestion on highway 321 which flows well now.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
There are so many other road projects that need the money {that Tennessee government does not have, and that the US government has not allocated}. The PPE will cause more problems than it solves, and create more traffic on feeder roads that are themselves in need of upgrade {us411 for example}. The people's government money would be put to better use on the Alcoa highway, us411, Montvale road, et cetera. A 1970 thru 2016 Blount Countian Thanks-you.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
This project should NOT be built. It will not serve any of our actual transportation needs. We have urgent safety issues on many roads in our county and region, and this project will not address them, but may even decrease safety by adding extra traffic to Sevierville Road.The EIS for this project showed that the PPE will not significantly decrease the level of congestion now present, nor will it improve safety on the area road network.It is irresponsible to spend our limited transportation funds to build a costly and unnecessary new highway.
Knoxville Northwest Greenway Connector Ph. 2
A dedicated bike lane here would be amazing to allow connection from Victor Ashe to Middlebrook where there is also a proposed bike lane. I have actually ridden this section of road before and while being low traffic it is still slightly dangerous for cyclist. I have had a few bad encounters this drivers on this section. This would also allow access to the West Hills Park Greenway which connects to Cedar Bluff.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
Do NOT build this project. It will not serve any of our actual transportation needs. It will not increase safety or decrease congestion on our road network; it may in fact do the opposite. Please fix our safety problems on the existing roads, and do not spend outrageous amounts of our tax dollars building an unnecessary new highway.
Knoxville Northwest Greenway Connector Ph. 2
I love biking 3rd Creek on the weekends to connect over to Victor Ashe Park. It would be great to be able to use the route when traffic is heavier. But honestly- this is a USELESS project unless Middlebrook Pike is addressed. The shared sidewalk/greenway improvements stopped at 4312 Middlebrook, leaving the lack of curb cut at the post office driveway, so no accessible access to crosswalk! Even if one could get to crosswalk, there is no continuous sidewalk nor shoulder to reach 3rd creek on the other side. So getting to the 3rd Creek improvement could still only be safely done during low traffic times, making the improvement unnecessary.One of the biggest issues our current systems has is piecemeal projects that lack any soty of linkage or connection to one another, such as the Liberty bike lanes that were put in with no thought as to how a cyclist would transition to the greenway and access the signal button at Middlebrook.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
Do NOT build this road project. A new highway in this place will not serve any of our actual transportation needs, and will cost an exorbitant amount of money. This project will not improve safety or reduce congestion on area roads (as shown in the EIS!). Please use my tax dollars to improve and make safer the road system we already have instead of building a new highway we do not need.
Knoxville Northwest Greenway Connector Ph. 2
This would be awesome, I greatly support the addition on more and all greenways!In general, I encourage the addition of bike lanes, widened shoulders, adjacent greenways and/ or sidewalks where possible. I believe that increasing interconnectivity of greenways/sidewalks and wide (bikeable) roadways/ bridges will greatly benefit our community in both the short and long term.Thank you for reading this and considering my input.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
This project should NOT be built. It will not serve any of our actual transportation needs. We have urgent safety issues on many roads in our area. Please repair, maintain, and improve the roads we already have, and do not waste our limited transportation tax dollars on an unnecessary new highway.
Knoxville Northwest Greenway Connector Ph. 2
Chapman Highway.? Improvements to mobility and especially traffic safety are greatly needed, all the way from Knoxville to Seymour.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
Do NOT build this project. It will not serve any of our actual transportation needs. We have urgent safety issues on many roads in our region that need to be addressed. This proposed highway may do more harm than good if constructed, by adding more traffic to Sevierville Road. It would be irresponsible to spend our limited transportation funds on an unnecessary new highway that brings us no significant benefit.
Knoxville Northwest Greenway Connector Ph. 2
HWY 441, Chapman Hwy -- a fast and busy route between Knoxville and Seymour/Sevierville/Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg.Needs many improvements
Chapman Highway Multiuse Path
Yes! People already walk and ride bikes here. Let's make it safe and encourage more people to do so. Chapman hwy is a thoroughfare right now but it is going to become more urban and neighborhood oriented as Knoxville grows so we should plan for people more than cars. Alcoa Hwy is so built up already it makes sense to make that and John Sevier the way to get places quickly and let Chapman become more centrally focused.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
We don't seem to have the funds to take care of the roads we already have so we need to prioritize projects. Many roads are dangerously narrow, ok for one car, but as the county population grows they become major hazards. The access points for the PPE will cause heavier traffic on roads that were designedbfor rural traffic.
Amerine Road Improvements
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
I oppose this project.? TDOT's own data, compiled for the EIS, showed little or no improvement in safety, travel times, traffic congestion, and other criteria used to demonstrate purpose and need.? It would be a huge waste of limited funding.? The $84 million price tag is not accurate: far more of our limited tax dollars would be required.? Why would we build this new road when so many of our existing roads need improvements just to ensure basic safety?? I ask that this project be taken out of consideration permanently.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
PELLISSIPPI PKWAY EXTENSION from current terminus at Hwy33 in Blount Co to Hwy 321.This road is no longer needed. It was proposed in the 1970s (50 years ago!). Since then major residential and commercial growth in Blount Co has been south and west of Maryville -- the opposite direction of the proposed PPE.Alcoa has also grown and the new Springbrook Farm is being developed. This road is no longer needed because Hwy 321 has been 4-laned and travel to Great Smoky Mtn National Park and the town of Townsend are easily accessed by this improved road. This incredibly expensive 4-lane highway will carve through healthy farmlands and take them out of production. Monies allocated for this highway would be better spent on improving existing roads.
US 129 Widening
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
We think it is irresponsible to spend our limited transportation funds on the construction of a new highway that does not address our pressing need to improve safety and mobility, and decrease congestion, on existing area roads.? The Pellissippi Parkway Extension is expensive and entirely unnecessary.? Building it will result in greater congestion and less safety on Sevierville Road.? If the PPE is ever constructed over public opposition, we will lobby forcefully for it to be an actual Parkway, running uninterrupted from SR33 to US321, with NO interchange at Sevierville Road.
US 129 Widening
I support this project.As we all know, this is a dangerous stretch of road with a terrible reputation, and deservedly so! It has been a hazard for decades and I am glad to see residents' safety finally being taken seriously.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
I am very much against any extension of Pellissippi Parkway.
US 129 Widening
I support these projects.? Alcoa Highway deserves its unfortunate nickname--"I'll Kill Ya" Highway.? It is one of the most dangerous roads in East Tennessee and has claimed many lives over the years.? My own husband had a very serious accident on Highway 129 in?2019.? Any improvements to this road are welcome, whether it be widening, upgrades to interchanges, or improving visibility.? The improvements at the junction of Topside Road and Alcoa Highway have been a big help.? Please continue the work on improvements and widening of Alcoa Highway until the entire length is finished.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
I am not in favor of Mobility Plan number 09-232 as I feel that this is a waste of tax payer dollars, will not improve traffic flow, will direct traffic away from businesses within Maryville, and will disrupt local heritage farms.
Knoxville Center Mall Area Circulation Study
This absolutely has to happen because of the likely redevelopment of the mall. Traffic is already at a standstill from the interstate down Washington Pike and Millertown headed to points north and east from about 7-9 am and from 4-6 pm. Also, traffic to and from the Detention Facility puts an extra load on Washington Pike and some people use Millertown to avoid Washington Pike congestion near the Target shopping center and cut through Harris Road over to Washington Pike.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
09-232 Pellissippi Parkway Extension: I oppose this project. Why would we build this new road instead of properly maintaining existing roads that may also need improvements?
Knoxville Center Mall Area Circulation Study
This is a very poor example of ingress and egress for a mall with many homes and apartments around it. With the mall now closed, it will be most difficult bringing in businesses to revitalize the structure unless major improvements to the roadway system takes place.
Pellissippi Pkwy (SR-162) Extension
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on state road building and improvements for the Blount County area, where I live and work.I think it is fair to say that Tennessee has limitations as to how many road improvements and new roads that the state budget can accommodate. Thus, it seems that decisions on whether to build new roads or to make improvements must be judicious. With this premise in mind, it seems prudent to me that new construction should be delayed or denied when existing roads need to be maintained and upgraded to meet current and projected usage needs and to better address safety concerns. For these reasons new major constructions should be delayed or permanently suspended in favor of protecting the travelers on existing roads. To build new roads when current roads need to be upgraded and made safer is not only poorly thought out, but unethical. Only after current roads are properly maintained should we as a state take on new road construction, which will in time require maintenance. Take care of what we have before creating more roads that we may not be able to take care of.There is also the need to deal honestly with the effects major new roads will have on the community. There is a move within our country to preserve our natural beauty and open land for emotional health reasons and also food production. I own and operate a fruit and vegetable farm where my sales are at the farm only. This year there has been demonstrated a growing interest for the pubic to know more about where their food comes from and how it is grown. We were literally overrun by new and existing customers this season. This phenomenon is not unique to me, but has been experienced all over the southeastern U.Sl.I am a retired federal agent who traveled and worked over much of the U.S. for 40 years, as well as a fruit and vegetable grower. One of the things that I observed is that when new roads and thoroughfares are constructed on open, farm land, in a matter of a few years the farms begin to fall to ?development? needs, and this land is lost forever. Such has also been true with the Pellissippi Parkway from Knox County into Blount County. For these and other reasons I am adamantly opposed to to the Pellissippi Parkway Extension. To build this thoroughfare will continue to lead to demolition of family farms and increased building pressures. The natural beauty will be scared by this type of construction. Many people still enjoy riding around to get away from their daily stresses and to take in the natural beauty of an open field and unobstructed view of the mountains that make Blount County so desirable. If I could wave a magical wand, I would remove the Pellisiippi Parkway Extension from the list of proposed new roadway construction for the state of Tennessee.Let us maintain the roads that we have and preserve the beauty of the open land and unobstructed vistas of the mountains for our mental health. Let us preserve the land for food production for our local people, so that we are not as dependent upon less than fresh food being shipped in from somewhere else. Let us leave our posterity a place that they call home that is not covered with concrete, asphalt, and roofs. Furthermore, I am convinced that this Extension will only add to the congestion and fatigue, as it will incite more building and more destruction of our natural beauty. I encourage Governor Lee and the TDOT to delay, and preferably to put aside, this construction, as it only adds to the losses that can never be recovered. May our heritagel be passed on to our children and our grandchildren, and not more conjestion.
Knoxville Center Mall Area Circulation Study
Especially because a developer is looking at the East Towne Mall site as a distribution center, please add this to the top of your project list. Millertown Pike needs to be widened, but I don't know how that can happen when there's a small and narrow ancient bridge over Love's Creek between the Krystal and Taco Bell restaurants. I feel like that bridge is the main hindrance to progress and better flow over there.
Wildwood Road
Wildwood Road, like many other older older roads in Maryville and Blount County, was constructed before the increased traffic caused by Maryville becoming a bedroom community for Knoxville and Knox County. This improvement will help some of the safety concerns with this section of the road.
Knoxville Center Mall Area Circulation Study
Having a warehouse distribution center at the old East town mall is not the best use of the property. This side of town is in desperate need of retail and restaurant comparable to the west side of town.Tearing down the mall and building an open air shopping center would be a better use of the site.
Wildwood Road
I travel this road almost every day and over the past 30!years traffic has increased becsuse of development. With the lanes being narrow with no shoulders; bland hills and impatient drivers; this road has become increasingly dangerous. Pullouts and road shoulders would greatly help.A traffic light st Sam Houston might be useful in the future
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
Montvale Road in another very narrow highway with lots of traffic. The drop-offs on the edges of the road are very severe in many sections and make it one of the most dangerous roads in the county. This road has become an artery for bike traffic to the foothills parkway, but riding a bike on this road and others (Sevierville Road, Mint Road, e.g.) is taking one's life in one's hands. Any improvement plan to widen any of these older roads should also consider adding bike lanes to make it much safer. More and more residents and visitors like to ride bikes in the county and the state should make an effort to make that activity as safe as possible. Not all bike riders want to use the Greenways in the cities.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
Montvale Road in another very narrow highway with lots of traffic. The drop-offs on the edges of the road are very severe in many sections and make it one of the most dangerous roads in the county. This road has become an artery for bike traffic to the foothills parkway, but riding a bike on this road and others (Sevierville Road, Mint Road, e.g.) is taking one's life in one's hands. Any improvement plan to widen any of these older roads should also consider adding bike lanes to make it much safer. More and more residents and visitors like to ride bikes in the county and the state should make an effort to make that activity as safe as possible. Not all bike riders want to use the Greenways in the cities.
South Waterfront Greenway - East of Suttree
This greenway project should be prioritized over James White Parkway (even to the exclusion of the proposed James White Parkway project) as this connects existing assets (Island Home Park and Suttree Landing Park) and fulfills the vision of the South Waterfront that has been in process for more than a dozen years.
South Waterfront Greenway - West of Cityview
Another critical connection that should be built or make the Blount Ave./ Henley Street intersection slower and safer for people walking and biking. BTW, the Henley street bridge traffic speeds are ridiculously fast due to the design of the roadway- redesign it to turn it into a boulevard to "slow the cars" and that people can walk and bike on comfortably